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Kumsa Maphalala - Oh Honey, I (Official Music Video)
Kumsa's EARTH U Fundraiser Video
I am so grateful to my Hanai dad Diga Kern for making this awesome video to help me share my story! Also a sneak peak clip of my song "Fly On"
Click the link below to watch the full video and visit my Gofund me page in support of my dreams - EARTH U:)
#EARTHUniversity #PunalavaFlow2018 #DigaKern #CostaRica #HawaiiBigIsland #Music #EPRelease #Kilaueaeuption #FreshLavaFootage
Kumsa Maphalala - Kona State of Mind (Official Music Video
Kumsa Sings with Pele (Hawaiian Volcano Goddess)
Today after evacuating another big amount of stuff from our home on papaya farms road we went to see pele where she has crossed railroad and is making her way down the slope. I couldn’t help but to sing a song I wrote about two weeks ago called “Burn It Down” about this 2018 puna lava flow that will change the Puna we know forever... Sure is hard to let go of some of the most amazingly beautiful places I know and have grown up in, all the nature ocean and magic this island has to offer! Pele is burning way for new and in the most incredible and surreal way. 🌋🌏❤️#gowiththeflow #punalavaflow2018 #music #lava #fire #bigisland
Ain't No Sunshine (Cover) by Kumsa Maphalala 2018
Kumsa covers the classic song "Ain't No Sunshine"(Bill Withers) with local band "The Geckos" at the Hilo kava Bar